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Romania to support Moldova's energy security

11:50 | 09.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug 9 /MOLDPRES/- Romania is committed to supporting Moldova's energy security. We have the capacity and the determination to support the Republic of Moldova unconditionally, all the more so in these particularly complicated times. Romanian Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja made the statement during a telephone conversation with Moldovan Energy Minister Victor Parlicov, in the context of the early alert in the gas sector.

"Our brothers from across the Prut have decided to set up early alert on the gas market because of the recent events in Kursk region. That is why, I had a telephone conversation with my friend, Victor Parlicov, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Moldova, whom I assured of Romania's full and permanent support. We coordinated, as we have always done, in order to manage this situation with maximum efficiency", said Sebastian Burduja.

The official noted that through Romania's new Energy Strategy, Bucharest "is committed to supporting Moldova's energy security". "We have the capacity and the determination to support the Republic of Moldova unconditionally, all the more so in these particularly complicated times," Burduja said.

Vestmoldtransgaz, a subsidiary of Transgaz, became the operator of Moldova's national gas transmission system last year, "making a significant contribution to ensuring the stability of the country's entire energy system," he said. Iasi-Chisinau gas pipeline has been operational since 2022 and work is currently underway to extend it through Chisinau Belt. Also, according to the Romanian Minister of Energy, Suceava-Balti interconnection line "is one of the central priorities of both electricity transmission systems, and it is expected to be ready by 2027".

"We will continue to focus all our energies on uniting the energy systems of the Republic of Moldova and Romania in order to guarantee stability, security and development on both banks of the Prut.
The relationship between Romania and the Republic of Moldova is unique. We share the same past and certainly the same future. We are strong side by side", concluded Sebastian Burduja.

Parlicov thanked Romania for the support. 

The Commission for Emergency Situations decided yesterday evening to establish a state of early alert in the natural gas sector, in the context of the potential risk of disruption of gas supply as a result of military actions in the area of the cross-border interconnection point between the Russian Federation and Ukraine (Sudja). The proposal to establish the early alert was made by the Ministry of Energy after convening the sector's enterprises and hearing the reports of the relevant institutions on the operational situation in the energy sector, including potential risks and protocols for their management.

The authorities assured that "there are currently no outages or risks for immediate disruptions", and setting up the alert will provide the responsible institutions with the necessary levers for close monitoring and rapid intervention, if needed.



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