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Fuel gets cheaper for fifth week in row

14:21 | 09.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug 9 /MOLDPRES/- Fuel prices fall for the fifth week in a row. The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) today explained the lower prices today by the decrease of Platts quotations for oil-derived products and partly by a slight appreciation of the national currency against the US dollar.

Over the last five weeks, standard diesel has become cheaper by 1.33 lei/liter and COR 95 petrol by around 1.04 lei/liter, with pump prices getting closer to the minimum values recorded this year.

Under these conditions, for the next three days, ANRE has announced a maximum price for COR 95 petrol of 24.25 lei per liter, down by 0.04 lei. At the same time, diesel will be sold for a maximum of 20.46 lei per liter, the price being lower by 0.07 lei.


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