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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Sărățica Noua, Câmpul Drept villages connected to water supply system

20:07 | 09.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug 9 /MOLDPRES/- Two villages in Leova district - Sărățica Nouă and Câmpul Drept - have been connected to the aqueduct. As a result, a thousand people from 288 households have access to drinking water from the artesian well in Sărățica Nouă. 

The project was included in the European Village program, first edition, and cost over 8.6 million lei. Thus, in the two localities over 5 km of main aqueduct, almost 5 km of local network, a pumping station and a water treatment plant were built. In addition, two water collection towers with a volume of 25 cubic meters each were built.

In total, 288 households, of which 160 in Sărățica Noua and 128 in Câmpul Drept, have been connected to the water supply. Thus, around 1000 people now enjoy improved access to quality water in their households. 

The National Office for Regional and Local Development announced that the total value of the project is 8 million 648 thousand lei, of which about 8.55 million lei was allocated by the Government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development (FNDRL), and about 100 thousand lei is the contribution of the local community.

According to Sărățica Nouă mayor Mihail Raevschi, this project was crucial for the inhabitants of these villages, as one third of the wells are dried up and the others have a very low flow.

The European Village program included 154 projects on the construction and extension of water and sewerage networks, 143 of which have already been completed and 11 others are underway.






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