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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Around 2,000 residents of Satul Nou have access to drinking water

14:44 | 13.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, August 13 /MOLDPRES/- About 2,000 inhabitants of Satul Nou, Cimișlia district benefit from tap water after the aqueduct network was modernized in the locality. Thus, the old water pumps and the tower, which were worn out, were replaced with modern ones, and to ensure access to drinking water in every household, 1.27 km of aqueduct network was built.

The project was carried out with the financial support offered by the Government of the Republic of Moldova through the European Village program, edition I, and with the support of Get Involved project, financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

The total value of the project was over 1.8 million lei, of which approximately 1.2 million lei were provided by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and around 400 thousand lei were allocated from the National Fund for Regional and Local Development. The local public authorities contributed over 200 thousand lei.

Now, more than 500 households (about 2,000 people) have improved access to drinking water. All public institutions in the village benefit from quality tap water, including the kindergarten, the gymnasium, the cultural center, the social canteen, the town hall, the village library and ten economic agents.

At the same time, through the Express European Village Program, the rainwater drainage channel from Ghiocel early education institution in the locality was rebuilt and renovated. The project also provided for the construction of 75.6 meters of fence. The value of this project was almost 457 thousand lei, of which 448 thousand lei were allocated by the Government, through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development, and the rest of the amount was the contribution of the community.

The direct beneficiaries of this project are the 60 children who attend Ghiocel kindergarten, their parents, as well as 15 employees of the early education institution.

According to mayor of the locality Marin Bumbu, the two projects implemented in Satul Nou were of urgent necessity, because access to drinking water is one of the main criteria for the development of a locality.

"Such projects are extremely necessary for our localities, because they bring direct benefits to the residents and also contribute to motivating the natives to return home. In this way, we will increase the number of inhabitants, and some of them, seeing how the village prospers and benefiting from better living conditions, are willing to invest in their community. Only through international cooperation and with the support of the state and development partners, we can create living conditions at home similar to those in the European Union", added the mayor.

According to the data of the National Office for Regional and Local Development, 849 projects out of the total of 896 initiatives approved for financing through the European Village, Express European Village and Extension of public nursery groups have been carried out so far. Most of them aim at the rehabilitation of public buildings, the construction of water and sewage networks, the development of sports and playgrounds, the rehabilitation of cultural buildings.







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