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BRINGING EUROPE HOME: Neagu family from Slobozia Mare: European financial support contributed significantly to development of business

16:36 | 13.08.2024 Category: Regional

Lorina Neagu from Slobozia Mare, Cahul, is developing an innovative business in tourism. Story has its roots in Neagu family's great passion for horse riding.

Returning from abroad, Neagu family decided to bring this sport back to life, launching eco leisure services, unique for the south of the country. The company offers a wide range of tourist and recreational activities, carried out in Lunca Prutului, part of the Lower Prut Nature Reserve, included in the heritage of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

In 2022, Lorina Neagu benefited from financial assistance of 14 thousand euros through the EU4Moldova: Focal Regions program, financed by the EU and implemented by UNDP and UNICEF. The investment was used for the construction of two container-type houses, connected to utilities, which can accommodate up to eight people.

The EU4Moldova: focal regions program supports the strengthening of economic, territorial and social cohesion in the Republic of Moldova, by facilitating inclusive and sustainable local socio-economic growth and improving the living standards of citizens in the two key regions: the municipalities of Ungheni and Cahul and neighboring localities. The program supports these regions by: streamlining governance – improving the quality of services and the necessary infrastructure; stimulating the private sector – increasing investment, improving the local economy and creating jobs; encouraging participatory democracy – involving citizens in democratic governance processes and strengthening the capacity to claim their rights.

In each region, local public authorities have created a territorial platform for economic cooperation. This aims at the economic development of the regions, the creation of a favorable investment climate and the sustainable development of all the component communities.


Reporter - Lilia Grubîi





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