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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Main sewage network in Bardar extended

13:55 | 14.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug 14 /MOLDPRES/- The main sewerage network in Bardar village, Ialoveni district has been extended, providing access to sewerage services to another 1,200 residents, four community institutions and several economic agents. The project was implemented under the European Village program, with about 4.2 million lei invested.

The project included the construction of 5.14 km of gravity sewage networks. Construction works started in late 2022 and were completed on June 30, 2024. For the implementation of the project, the Government of the Republic of Moldova provided about 4.2 million lei, the money was allocated from the National Fund for Regional and Local Development. The local public administration contributed about 72 thousand lei to the project.

Mayor of the locality Valeriu Rața says that the project is very important for the improvement of Bardar residents' lives, especially since many of the villagers until recently only dreamed of such services.

"So far, the local authorities have managed to bring centralized sewerage services to the households of about 3,500 residents, including all socially-good objectives have been connected to the centralized sewerage network. We want to have a well-developed village, a truly European locality, to be environmentally friendly and to keep the locality clean", said the mayor.

Valeriu Rața says that the project aims to build sewerage networks for another 300 households, thus the living conditions of all the inhabitants of the village will be improved. "By improving the quality of life in the village, we hope to attract new private sector investment and encourage our fellow villagers who have gone abroad to return home," he said.

So far, 144 projects for the construction and extension of water supply and sewerage systems have been completed under the European Village program, 1st edition, out of a total of 154 approved initiatives.





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