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BRINGING EUROPE HOME: Sângerei people now going on European road

15:33 | 16.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chișinău, August 16 /MOLDPRES/- Sângerei people are now going on European road following the rehabilitation of 6.5 km of the route passing through the city.

On the route, the roadway has been repaired, over 600 traffic signs installed and a stormwater drainage network constructed.

The works began in July 2023 and were completed in about six months.

According to local authorities, it is the first time in the last 40 years that the city's main artery has undergone rehabilitation. Residents say, "last major repair on this street was before the 1980 Olympics when the Olympic Flame passed through here." Currently, Independence Street, which runs through the entire city of Sângerei, has been fully reconstructed after the Government of the Republic of Moldova fulfilled its commitment to repair this section according to European standards.

The road rehabilitation and modernization works included stormwater drainage; four bridges and the adjacent curb repaired; drainage work on the side streets, necessary for a locality situated on a slope.

The company responsible for the road repair was Onur Group, a team from Turkey, which also rehabilitated the M5 road section between Sângerei and Ratuș.

The project was financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and implemented by the Government of the Republic of Moldova through the State Road Administration. The total cost of the works is estimated at eight million euros.





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