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Diaspora Business Forum takes place today in Chisinau

14:28 | 18.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug 18 /MOLDPRES/- Diaspora Business Forum will be held today in Chisinau. The event will bring together representatives of authorities, business experts, entrepreneurs from diaspora and people interested in investing at home.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean will attend the opening of the Diaspora Business Forum.

The participants will talk about the steps for starting a business in the Republic of Moldova, local entrepreneurial projects, capital investments and state securities.

This year's edition will include B2B meetings in physical and online format to create new partnerships with business representatives from the diaspora and the country.

Diaspora Business Forum is part of the series of events organized within the Diaspora Days. The Forum will take place starting at 9:00 at the Digital Park.




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