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First meeting of Diplomatic Council held in Moldovan capital

15:34 | 19.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 August /MOLDPRES/ - The first meeting of the Diplomatic Council was held at the headquarters of the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) today. The Council has been recently made up by well-known personalities and launched in order to support the foreign policy and promote the interest of Moldova.    

„In such an important historical moment for Moldova’s European future, this council is our answer to the need to confederate and turn to good account the experience of valuable personalities of our country, for the elaboration of innovative, as well as sustainable approaches, at the same time, of promotion of our country’s interest abroad. All active citizens, who are devoted to the cause of Moldova’s flourishing, are true ambassadors of the country,’’ Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi said at the event on the launch of the Economic Council.     

The entity is made up of two foreign affairs minister: the first foreign affairs minister of the independent state Republic of Moldova, Nicolae Tau, and Mihai Popov.  

At the today’s meeting, the former minister, Nicolae Tau, referred to the importance of the economic diplomacy and emphasized the need of efficient initiatives for the promotion of exports and attraction of investments, through the economic diplomacy actively promoted by MAE.   

Mihai Popov touched upon the importance of the constitutional referendum and stressed the necessity of sustained efforts for the achievement of the most important national project of the last decades – the European integration of the Republic of Moldova.    

The MAE’s Diplomatic Council is an honorific consultative body, meant to consolidate the relations between the diplomacy of Moldova and professionals in the economic, cultural, academic, sports sectors.








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