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School year might start in Chisinau-based schools on 2 September

18:02 | 19.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 August /MOLDPRES/ - The deputy mayor of the Chisinau municipality, Ilie Ceban, has asked the Education, Youth and Sport General Department to work out an order, thereby ruling that the day of 2 September should be the first day of the 2024-2025 school year.   

The request was made at a today’s meeting of the Chisinau city hall.

Also today, the Chisinau municipality’s leadership informed that 8,000 pupils from disadvantaged families of the Chisinau municipality would receive assistance before school. Thus, the city hall transferred 4,272,100 lei to the provider of payment services, Moldova’s Post state enterprise, which means that 6,103 children will receive 700 lei each. The material assistance will be able to be collected in the next three months.      

Subsequently, material aid will be provided to another 1,897 children. Their list (the newly come children to the first, fifth and tenth forms) will be compiled starting from next September. This financial support will be able to be raised by parents during November-December 2024.  



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