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Discover Moldova with #MOLDPRES: Dniester's Heart tourist micro-cluster - example of partnership, local products, authentic beauty

17:30 | 20.08.2024 Category: Tourist Moldova

Opportunity to promote local products and share the region’s beauty with visitors  

This year too, the members of the Dniester’s Heart tourist micro-cluster participate with local products in the Hodina festival, at its fourth edition, in the Pohrebea village, eastern Dubasari district.  

The Pohrebea village has benefited from support on behalf of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and partners since 2015 and in the last years, over 30 entrepreneurs from the Criuleni-Dubasari region launched and modernized businesses in tourism and gastronomy, contributing to the extension of the supply of accommodation and to the diversification of the services available in the region.       

Rural tourism which led to a significant increase in the flow of tourists

„Inima Nistrului” (Dniester’s Heart) is an emerging micro-cluster, the development of which is facilitated by the Resilient and Inclusive Markets in Moldova Switzerland-UNDP project.   

The micro-cluster was officially institutionalized on 27 September 2023, when the key actors of the region signed the Agreement-Memorandum on the creation of the cluster, elected the leadership bodies and approved the roadmap for development of a period of three years. Within the cluster, the cooperation of 52 public and private entities, directly or indirectly involved in the rural tourism sector, is ensured: 38 economic agents involved in the rural tourism field, six local public administrations, three research and education entities, six associative entities.       

Remarkable growth on the last period

Despite all challenges faced, the micro-cluster proved a remarkable growth, highlighting the presence of numerous opportunities which stimulate the development and increase of businesses.    

In this respect, an opportunity which must be turned to good account is the fact that the de facto present expenses of the tourists are lower than their availability to spend. A recent survey shows that, on average, tourists are willing to spend about 500 lei (25 euros) per one stay during their visit to the micro-cluster. Nevertheless, the average current expenditures of one tourist are significantly lower, about 200 lei.   

Development of micro-cluster is based on a personalized methodology  

The development of the micro-cluster is based on a personalized methodology, developed within the Resilient and Inclusive Markets in Moldova Switzerland-UNDP project. The methodology’s goal is to extend the micro-cluster and enhance its competitiveness, which will contribute to the increase of the turnover and to the improvement of both the number and the quality of jobs.    

The vision of development of the micro-cluster implies its transformation into the principal destination of rural tourism in Moldova till 2035, providing a diversified range of high-quality services, with the goal to attract at least 200,000 tourists. To achieve this vision, the micro-cluster is to attract at least 100 businesses involved, including at least 30 boarding houses (which are to provide over 200 accommodation places), at least five restaurants, 10 fast-food units, a selection of at least 20 distinct entertainment services for tourists and over 30 providers of highly qualitative agro-food products.    

Correspondent: Lilia Grubii








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