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GOVERNMENT BUILDS: More localities in Nisporeni, Ungheni to be provided with water and sewerage by late 2024

15:30 | 21.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug 21 /MOLDPRES/- In Boldresti, Nisporeni district, work is ongoing on the construction of a water supply network to local households as part of a regional project that will bring drinking water to more than 13 localities in Nisporeni and Ungheni districts. Completion is planned by the end of this year.

The Regional Development Agency (ADR) Center is constantly monitoring the works under execution, as well as the landscaping process adjacent to the ten castles, six installed water tanks and four pumping stations.

"The entrepreneur assured that the works are progressing according to the execution schedule and their completion is planned for the autumn," says ADR Center.

At the same time, in Vărzărești, works are being carried out on the construction of internal sewerage networks, part of the regional project that provides over 43 km of networks for 8,000 inhabitants of Nisporeni and another 4,000 in Vărzărești.

The ADR Center specialists insisted on speeding up the pace of work so that the residents of the Center Region can enjoy improved access to quality public services as soon as possible. "These works are covered by the National Fund for Regional and Local Development and the beneficiaries' contribution, the provision of water and sewerage to localities being the zero priority at the national level," the source said.





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