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Bans concerning smoking in common public places to be extended, sanctions for sale of tobacco products to minors to be increased

15:57 | 21.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 August /MOLDPRES/ - The bans as to the smoking in the common public spaces will be extended, including in the case of the electronic cigarettes and the contravention sanction imposed for the sale of tobacco products to minors will be increased. The government approved amendments to the Law on tobacco control today.      

At the cabinet meeting, Health Minister Ala Nemerenco said that the goal of the draft was to protect the residents, especially the young people, children from the noxious effects of the tobacco.  

„The draft worked out implies the consolidation of the legislative framework in the tobacco control sector, which is in accordance with the provisions of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and adapts to the new developments as regards the tobacco products and the related ones. The amendments include interdictions as to the smoking in public spaces, which will be extended including for the electronic cigarettes and the contravention sanction imposed for the sale of tobacco products to minors will be increased. To prevent minors’ access to tobacco products, bans will be introduced as to the advertising and promotion of tobacco products and clips concerning their consumption in video, audio TV programmes and computer games. Also, safety norms are introduced for the mechanism of filling of electronic cigarettes,’’ Ana Nemerenco said.       

At the same time, the draft envisages new rules for the packing and labelling of products of warmed tobacco, with the compulsoriness of applying of graphic health warnings. Also, safety norms are introduced for the mechanism of filling the electronic cigarettes.

The document bans the acceptance by physicians of any type of contribution on behalf of the tobacco industry and the promotion of any tobacco products or related ones as alternatives to smoking.

„The health, especially the one of children, and the reduction of the risk factors among the residents represent priority for the medical system of Moldova, as we want to have healthy and strong generations,’’ Ala Nemerenco said.  

The legislative amendments made will be enforced gradually starting from three months after the date of the publication in the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial) till 2027, in the case of the provisions which establish new requirements for the labelling of products and packings.  


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