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Moldovan president says Moldovans want to live in Moldova like people live in Germany

19:38 | 21.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 21 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Moldovans want to live in Moldova just as people live in Germany. Despite the complicated regional context, we edify here, at home, a peaceful and prosperous country and a reliable partner. We rely on Germany’s support in this process of transformation; your support shows us that we are on the right path and it encourages us to go ahead. President Maia Sandu has made statements to this effect at a joint news conference with Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz.     

The head of state said that this was the first bilateral visit by a German chancellor to Moldova in the last 12 years. Maia Sandu noted that the visit represented an occasion to reaffirm the importance Moldova attaches to its relation with Germany and consolidate this cooperation.  

„In these 12 years, the world in which we live has changed deeply; Moldova changed too. Despite all challenges from the last years, Moldova proved that it is a country which rejects the authoritarian tendencies and defends its democracy. A country which wants to provide its citizens with more opportunities of development and a rich living. During these difficult times, we appreciate the solid support of Germany for Ukraine. By backing Ukraine, you support Moldova. Our country is in safety at present due to the heroic resistance of Ukraine. At the same time, the support of Moldova strengthens Ukraine, as well as the security of the entire region. With the essential mission to put the country in safety, we submitted the application on accession to the European Union in March 2022 and at a distance of two years, we managed to officially launch the negotiations on accession top EU,’’ Maia Sandu also said.

The Moldovan president said that Moldova had been too much time late for joining the European family; yet, now it makes firm steps in the process of accession, being supported by the European partners, including Germany. ‘’I thank for the constant and unconditional support which Germany is providing to the European integration way of Moldova. Now, a strong foreign support depends on us here, in Moldova. It is essential that get involved, day after day, in the life of the community; yet, equally important is that we actively participate in the key moments which will define the fate of the country. We urge all Moldovan citizens, no matter their political likings, to participate in the next October referendum in an large number as possible, as it represents the most democratic and efficient form of expression of the collective will. Germany, as founding state of the European Union, has a central role in the creation and maintaining of this project of peace, unity and prosperity, which transformed Europe.  Moldova wants to be part of  this European family and the accession process is essential for our democratic future,’’ Maia Sandu said.        

The Moldovan president reiterated that Germany had always been a reliable partner for Moldova, being the fifth most important commercial partner of the country and the seventh biggest investor.

„Germany, along with France and Romania, is the co-founder of the Moldova Support Platform, an initiative which contributed significantly to the consolidation of our capacity to cope with the challenges of the last three years. This platform will convene on 17 September. More Moldovan citizens found their second home in Germany and our relations become even stronger. The Moldovans want changes for the better in their country. They chose the way of development and of democracy. They want to live in Moldova just as the people live in Germany,’’ the president added.    

Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz today pays a working visit to Moldova, at an invitation by head of state Maia Sandu.

Last time, Olaf Scholz visited Moldova on 1 June 2023, when he participated in the Summit of the European Political Community, held in Bulboaca.  






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