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Petrol's costs decreases under threshold of 24 lei in Moldova

13:25 | 22.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 22 August /MOLDPRES/ - The fuels continue cheapening. Thus, the price of the petrol will decrease under the threshold of 24 lei on 23 August. More exactly, drivers will pay 23.93 lei for one litre of petrol, by 0.08 lei less than today.  PRES.

At the same time, the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE) established for 23 August a maximal price of 18 per one litre for diesel, down by 0.07 lei.   

In late last week, ANRE said that the fuels’ cheapenings of the last period had been triggered both at the level of the Platts quotations and by the ever higher appreciation of the Moldovan leu against the U.S. dollar.  




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