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Moldelectrica enterprise informs about disturbances in electro-energy system of Ukraine-Moldova joint block

11:10 | 26.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 26 August /MOLDPRES/ -The Moldelectrica enterprise today informed about ‘’disturbances in the electro-energy system of the joint block Ukraine-Moldova, as a result of attacks on the Ukrainian critical infrastructure.’’  

„For the moment, the situation is under control. We have enough local generation, in order to settle the insignificant disturbances,’’ the enterprise said.

Today morning, Russia launched a massive air attack on Ukraine. At least seven explosions were heard in Kiev, where the supply with electric energy and water was hit. Also, air attacks were signaled by local decision-makers in more regions of Ukraine, which resulted in three people dead. The authorities of the neighbour country inform that Ukraine had been hit by over 100 drones and 40 missiles.  



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