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Bookfest International Book Salon launched in Chisinau

16:20 | 28.08.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Bookfest International Book Salon has opened its doors for visitors. During five days, people fond of books will be able to find at the event some of the most representative publishing houses from Romania and Moldova, with books exclusively in the Romanian language and the best price bids. The entrance is free.     

The International Book Salon is hosted by the Mediacor Centre at the State University of Moldova (USM) and will be able to be visited during 10:00-20:00.

Bookfest Chisinau enjoys the High Patronage of President of Romania Klaus Iohannis and Moldova’s President Maia Sandu this year as well.

The event was opened by USM Rector Igor Sarov, who thanked the organizers and publishing houses for presence and effort.   

The presidential adviser in the culture sector and interethnic relations, Angela Brașoveanu, read a speech on behalf of President Maia Sandu.   

„Dear people of books! I greet you at Bookfest! This is an event which has already won a significant place in the hearts of the young and old readers from all over the country. The edition from this year is nicely weaved between the Independence Day and the Romanian Language Day – holidays which mean for us the continuous fight to defend what we have and what we are, as well as our way towards which we aspire. The fact is happy that, edition after edition, Bookfest acquires ever more splendor, ever more publishing houses are present; we have ever more valuable titles. This is a great achievement and there is a huge work behind, which we, the ordinary visitors, do not see, for mere reason that this is a well-done job. The books production industry stays one of the most idealist branches of the economy, an industry which must be backed, as it shapes mentalities, brings up generations and educates tastes. Much success, Bookfest 2024, all the country embraces you,’’ reads the message conveyed by the head of state.          

President of Romania Klaus Iohannis also conveyed a message on the occasion of the opening of the Bookfest Chisinau 2024 International Book Salon. The message was unveiled by Presidential Adviser at the Department of Culture, Cults and National Minorities Sergiu Nistor.   

„I welcome this year edition of the Bookfest Chisinau International Book Salon, recognizing its value and relevance by giving the High Patronage, along with Moldova’s President, Mrs. Maia Sandu. This is a proof of the importance we attach, on both banks of the Prut river, to the cultivation of the Romanian language, supporting and promotion of the culture and traditions which we share and under the dome of which we build a common future in the European Union. In the context of the process of Moldova’s accession to the European Union, the recent participation as country invited to Bookfest Bucharest, as well as this edition of the Bookfest Chisinau International Book Salon highlights the solid foundation of the pro-European option of most Moldova’s citizens. Romania’s support for this future and our solidarity has at the basis our common democratic and humanist values, nourished from the fertile soil of the language, of the culture, of the historical experiences which we share. I wish success to the Bookfest Chisinau International Book Saloon, an important agora of books in the cultural and academic area of Moldova, an event which unites us in one holiday of the Romanian culture and language,’’ Iohannis said.           

Thirty publishing houses from the Romanian cultural area, of which eight ones from Moldova, will present their bid with launches, meetings with authors and sales. The cultural personalities from both banks of the Prut river will provide extra reasons not to miss this holiday of books.  

The publishing houses participating in the salon will donate about 3,000 books to the National Library of Moldova.

The 2024 edition of the Bookfest International Book Salon is financed by the  Department for Relations with Moldova and takes place in partnership with the Culture Ministry of Romania and Culture Ministry of Moldova. The strategic partners are the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Ukaid and the Government of Sweden in Moldova. The organizers of the event are the National Library of Moldova, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moldova and the Association of Editors from Romania. 

Bookfest is the most important book salon of Romania and the only event of the editorial industry, which managed to acquire an outstanding international dimension. The first edition of Bookfest Chisinau was held in 2016.    











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