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Moldovan foreign affairs minister to participate in GLOBSEC Forum

11:59 | 29.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi on 30 August – 1 September 2024 will participate in the 19th edition of the GLOBSEC Forum, due to be held in Prague, under the auspices of Czech President Petr Pavel.

The Moldovan diplomacy head will take part, as speaker, in a discussion on the subject, Counteraction of Russia’s hybrid threats. At the same time, Mihai Popsoi will have a meeting with Foreign Affairs Minister of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavský and his counterparts present at the Forum.    

The deputy PM will also have a meeting with the Moldovans living in the Czech Republic.

The GLOBSEC Forum is regarded as one of the most important dialogue platforms in Europe, the goal of which is to highlight the role of the Central and Eastern Europe in maintaining the global stability.  



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