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Twenty new trolley buses to move in Chisinau city

14:49 | 29.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Chisinau city hall today launched on route a consignment of 20 trolley buses. The vehicles were bought from Latvia and Austria.  

According to the city hall, 11 trolley buses are of the Skoda model, two ones are articulated of the Grand Solaris Trollino 18 model and the other seven vehicles are of the Van HOOL model.  

The vehicles are endowed with collapsible platform, in order to facilitate the access of people with special needs. They have their own air conditioning and heating installations. Also, the new trolley buses allow recovering the electric energy through the braking regime.  

According to the quoted source, the action is part of the programme on modernization of the municipal public transport parks, with 145 trolley buses and 184 buses purchased on the last period.  






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