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Moldova's Action and Solidarity Party dissociates itself from statements of its lawmaker

20:22 | 29.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) dissociates itself from statements made by PAS MP Vasile Soimaru. At a TV programme on 27 August, Soimaru said that the Metropolitan See of Moldova might be liquidated. In a statement published, PAS said that it had no intention to this end.   

The party at rule reacted to the statements by lawmaker Vasile Soimaru, noting that it had no legislative initiative on the liquidation of the Metropolitan See of Moldova and speaks out for the good understanding between parishioners.  

„PAS dissociates itself from the statements by MP Vasile Soimaru on the Metropolitan See of Moldova. The PAS governance does not prepare any draft law or initiative which would liquidate the Metropolitan See of Moldova.  PAS supports both Metropolitan Sees and the good understanding between the parishioners. Under the Constitution of Moldova, the Church is separated from the state, autonomous and does not get involved in political activities,’’ PAS’ declaration reads.   

At the same time, the party at rule stressed that ‘’the position of PAS has been and remains the promotion of the good understanding between the citizens of Moldova, no matter the religion, culture, language or ethnic group.’’

At a TV station on 27 August, lawmaker Vasile Soimaru said that the Metropolitan See of Moldova, subordinated to the Russian Patriarchy, might be liquidated, according to Ukraine’s example.    



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