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Moldovan education ministry says more measures to be taken concerning examination in mathematics, new optional exam to be introduced during new school year

11:35 | 30.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 August /MOLDPRES/ - The pre-testing at the examination in mathematics will be made earlier during the new school year, in order to have results in advance and the schools to take note as to the pupils in need of help. Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun today made statements to this effect at a news conference on the starting of the new 2024-2025 academic year.    

„We will provide 30-34 free of charge classes of training in mathematics for 6,000 pupils, in order to better prepare them for the examination in mathematics,’’ Perciun said.   

In another context, the minister informed that the decision-makers would take a new measure during the new school year, by providing pupils, at will, an exam in digital competences. ‘’It is necessary that we try to test also this particularly important dimension for the 21st century,’’ Perciun stressed.     

„It is about an optional exam, taken at the computer and the young people will get a special certificate,’’ the education minister added.


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