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Moldovan agriculture minister says students from agricultural specialties to receive all resources needed to develop professionally

11:15 | 02.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 2 September /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea has participated in an event which marked the starting of the new academic year at the faculties specialized in agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural, Forestry and Environmental Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Faculty of the Moldovan Technical University (UTM).   

In his speech, Vladimir Bolea conveyed a congratulatory message to the students and academic community, wishing them enthusiasm and perseverance. The official stressed the importance of training specialists for the agro-food sector – a field which needs qualified and well-educated staff, which the students will get at this University.   

According to the deputy PM, in the last years, the number of students studying at these faculties has increased. He highlighted the ever greater interest in the agro-food sector and in the veterinary medicine. ‘’This year, 57 students were admitted to the Veterinary Medicine Faculty, day section and 150 students were registered at the degree cycle I and 60 ones for master’s degree of the Faculty of Agricultural, Forestry and Environmental Sciences,’’ Vladimir Bolea noted.    

Vladimir Bolea said that UTM provided proper conditions for education, both theoretical and practical, giving the students all resources necessary for developing professionally; the studies are to meet the realities on the labour market. In particular, the official emphasized the existence of a modern hydroponic greenhouse, where students can apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, thus preparing for the real challenges in the agricultural sector. ‘’Children no longer learn according to pictures, drawings, videos, but in practice. Both the students, trainers for master’s and doctors degrees make laboratory works, as the agriculture is not only theory, but is theory which must be proved in practiced and be successful,’’ the deputy PM said.       

The agriculture minister thanked the young people for the choice to dedicate themselves to this important sector and urged them to study as much as possible and to follow their academic way with passion.  ‘’If we speak about the keeping of these young people in Moldova’s economic framework, as this is the sense of their training as very good specialists, this is strictly connected with the profits economic agents have.  We should develop them from the economic viewpoint, for them to have profits, so that they are able to pay salaries comparable to the ones from the European Union. Or, these economic agents, backed by our maintaining programmes, in several years will reach a level of profit due to allow them pay interesting salaries to young specialists, so that they do not leave the country,’’ the agriculture minister told MOLDPRES.      





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