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Moldovan president, associations of natives have consultations on referendum on Moldova's accession to EU

21:52 | 02.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 2 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today discussed with representatives of the associations of natives the contribution of these associations to the development of the settlements and the organization of the referendum on Moldova’s accession to the European Union, the presidential press service has reported.    

The head of state emphasized the essential role of the local communities in the building of a democratic and prosperous society. At the same time, the Moldovan president thanked the members of the associations of natives for the way they participate in the development of settlements – through the consolidation of the social cohesion locally and through the promotion of the partnerships between the local authorities and the Diaspora.  

The projects carried out with the involvement of the associations of natives from Moldova – pavements, community centres, stadiums, kindergartens, cultural events – showed that, when joint effort is taken, nice things can be achieved, which lead to the improvement of the living standards in the Moldovan settlements, the head of state stressed.    

The participants in the meeting highlighted the importance of the participation of all citizens in the referendum, no matter each one’s option, as a majority and representative participation is the most democratic way the fate of Moldova can be decided.   








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