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PM of Poland to visit Moldova

10:17 | 03.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk will pay a visit to Chisinau on 4 September. The official will have a meeting with Prime Minister Dorin Recean.   

Representatives of the government and the Presidency have confirmed the information for MOLDPRES.

„We confirm the visit by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk to Moldova. He is to have an official meeting with PM Dorin Recean. Other details will be provided following the confirmation of the visit’s agenda,’’ the sources said.

In the context of the official visit, the Chisinau city hall informed that, on 4-5 September, the access of people to certain public places from the capital would be temporarily limited.    

Thus, on these days, during 08:00-21:00, the access of people to certain places from the Chisinau city, of the city’s centre and the thoroughfares making connection with the Chisinau International Airport, as well as in the perimeter of the streets where the official column is to move will be temporarily limited.   

This is the second visit to Moldova by Donald Tusk.



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