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Moldovan environment ministry creates structure due to back mayoralties in process of forests' registration

14:53 | 03.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Environment Ministry has set up a working group which will support the mayoralties in the process of registration of forests. Environment Minister Sergiu Lazarencu today made statements to this effect at a working visit to the Causeni district.   

The environment ministry held discussions with the local public authorities on the protection of forests and the importance of the registration of the afforested grounds.  

„It is badly necessary that both the mayoralties and the Moldsilva Forestry Agency register the forest grounds, in order to ensure their sustainable and correct management. We set up a working group, which will support the mayoralties in the process of forests’ registration. The protection of the forests’ fund is a priority for us and we are ready to prepare and provide every support needed, in order to make sure that the forests of Moldova are managed correctly and sustainably,’’ Sergiu Lazarencu said.     

In another context, the minister stressed the benefits of the Solid Waste in Moldova Programme. The official informed the Causeni local authorities about the identification of additional resources, coming from foreign partners, which will be used for the carrying out of a feasibility study. ‘’Also, a meeting dedicated to the identification of the grounds necessary for the construction of an ecological management centre and of a transfer station for the Causeni district, which is part of RMD 3, along with the Leova and Stefan Voda districts, will take place this month,’’ Lazarencu noted.     

According to Lazarencu, the carrying out of the programme depends on also on the involvement of the local authorities. He said that, the quicker the mayoralties of the three districts allocate these grounds, the quicker advance the project’s implementation will advance.

The Solid Waste in Moldova Programme provides for the establishment of a centralized service of collection and sorting of waste all over the country.  At the same time, the programme’s goal is to liquidate all unauthorized dumps.  




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