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Moldovan Medicine and Medical Devices Agency to have new service dedicated to monitoring, analyses of import of medicines

14:27 | 04.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Medicine and Medical Devices Agency (AMDM) has launched the service of monitoring and analysis of the import of medicines.  

The new service will be dedicated to the monitoring and import of the import of medication.   

Thus, starting from October 2024, AMDM will quarterly publish detailed and general information on the imports of medicines to Moldova.

According to the AMDM leadership, this initiative is a step towards enhancing the transparency and the providing of correct and accessible information for consumers. The quarterly report will comprise the following information: the sum of the overall import of medicines, at producer’s price (according to the national Catalogue of producer’s prices for medicines), without including the products imported to the Transnistrian region; the sum of sales of the native producers.   

For the 2025 year, AMDM is set to extend the service, through providing personified information at the request by producers/importers (service provided against payment).



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