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Moldovan parliament speaker says Moldova too much late for joining European family

20:37 | 04.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - „We must quite sincerely say that Moldova has been too much late for joining the European family. Therefore, we are quite confident that, being backed by the European partners, we will succeed.’’ Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu has made statements to this effect at a meeting in which Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk participated as well.    

The PM of Poland was met with applauses in the parliament’s plenum.

„Welcome in the parliament of Moldova. We are honoured to have you in the parliament’s plenum on a historical period for Moldova. We have ahead the most important decision since the declaration of Independence so far. This autumn, we will choose our future and I am confident that we will make the right choice, as all of us want to live in peace at home. And how a saying reads: no road is too long in the presence of a good friend,’’ Speaker Igor Grosu said in the opening of the meeting.    

Grosu specified that Poland was a friend on which Moldova can count.

„You should know that we feel this support not only at the political level, between politicians; yet, this fact can be said, for instance, by the producers of wines, some of them are present today in the hall, due to whom our wines reach your tables. Our farmers, who are happy with our tasty fruits on the shelves from Poland, might speaker about the Polish support as well. Moldova has been too much late for joining the European family; therefore, we are confident that, being backed by our European partners – we will succeed. Your support shows us that we are on the right way and this encourages us to move forward,’’ Igor Grosu added.    

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk today pays a visit to Chisinau. The Polish official was met by Prime Minister Dorin Recean at the government’s headquarters at an official ceremony. The PM of Poland also had meetings with President Maia Sandu and Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu.  

Donald Tusk is an influential person in the European Union’s institutions, being president of the European Council during five years. In 2014, Donald Tusk was elected to the position of president of the European Council and in 2017 he was re-elected for the second mandate of two years and a half.     





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