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REFERENDUM 2024 // PM of Poland urges Moldovans to participate in referendum

21:01 | 04.09.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk, on a visit to Moldova today, gave a speech, in which he urged the Moldovans to participate in the referendum, in order to decide their way of development. He reiterated that Poland would strongly support the European integration path of Moldova. 

The Polish PM was met with applauses in the parliament’s plenum. During over half an hour, Donald Tusk spoke about the bilateral cooperation, about history of both peoples, as well as about his country’s European integration way.   

„You are facing an important choice, a choice which Poland made 20 years ago. At that time, the Poles decided the accession to the European Union; this was not a simple and easy choice at all. Today, after 20 years, I can say with every responsibility and I speak on behalf of almost 80 per cent of the Poles, that this was one of the cleverest choices. You, the Moldovans, are presently before a decision and it is not Mrs. President or Mr. Prime Minister the ones who must take the decision; the entire society must decide. You decided to have a referendum which must confirm the pro-European way; this must be a decision backed by the people and our task is to come up with information about EU,’’ the Polish official said.      

The PM of Poland gave assurances that his country would support Moldova on the European integration path. ‘’Your power consists in your consistency and in the authority enjoyed by President Maia Sandu on the entire continent. We have been working together for more time and I am aware of the respect she inspires to the leaders from all over the world. You have proved extraordinary patience, perseverance and responsibility as nation, put to difficult test by the history and geography. You have gone through quite difficult ordeal, but step by step, you have edified a modern state. Let us use this time together! I will be at your disposal and you will always be able to count on Poland, even if you will express wish to edify an independent Moldova in a united Europe,’’ Donald Tusk said.      

He noted that time was ripe now for Moldova to say with loud voice what it wants and the accession process is also in the interest of EU.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk today pays a visit to Chisinau. The Polish official was met by Prime Minister Dorin Recean at the government’s headquarters at an official ceremony. The PM of Poland also had meetings with President Maia Sandu and Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu.  







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