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DOC Unattached students of Moldova's National Justice Institute to have health insurance

14:38 | 05.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/ - The decree on promulgation and the law on the amendment of normative acts (organizational aspects on the judicial system and the National justice Institute (INJ)) were published in the today’s issue of the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial).   

The document sees a mechanism of health insurance enforced for the future prosecutors and judges who are unattached students of INJ, similar to the one existing for the students of the higher education institutions.   

The document also contains provisions which regard the examinations on admission and finishing INJ. Respectively, the minimal mark for admission was increased from 5 to 7, in order to ensure a better quality of the future prosecutors and judges. Also, clarity was made in the legislation as to the way of giving marks at the examination on finishing INJ. Thus, people willing to run for the position of prosecutor or judge will have to accumulate a score higher or equal to 8.00.   

The document also contains a string of provisions which regard the organization of the judicial system. The document suggests that the groundless refusal of the judge to verify his/her health condition once in five years, just as the law envisages, should represent ground for dismissing him/her from office. The document also proposes a clearer regulation of the interdictions and obligations of judges.

The present law enters into force on the date of its publication in the Official Journal of Moldova, except for the provisions of the Article II, point 3, Article III, Article IV, Article V, points 16, 17 and Article VII, point 5, which enter into force on 1 January 2025.  




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