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Six Moldovan civil society organizations get prizes at Gala of EU Prizes for Civil Society

13:11 | 06.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 6 September /MOLDPRES/ - Six organizations of the civil society from Moldova were awarded prizes at the fifth edition of the Gala of European Prizes for the Civil Society, held by the European Union’s Delegation in Moldova on 5 September. The event’s goal was to recognize and promote the excellence in the activities of the associative sector, financed by EU.     

According to a press release issued by the EU Delegation in Moldova, the delegations were selected based on the positive influence they had had on the local communities and the way they managed to mobilize and inspire the citizens. EU Ambassador to Moldova Jānis Mažeiks stressed the importance of supporting the organizations which contribute to the development of local communities and consolidation of the democratic values in Moldova.  ‘’One of the goals of the European Union’s assistance is to create equal chances and opportunities for everybody. In this context, I am happy with having prizewinners from all regions of Moldova at this year edition of the Civil Society Gala. The prizes awarded at the Civil Society Gala symbolize also our appreciation for the people who work in these organizations, for their dedication and passion, as well as for the assuming of the responsibility to make a change for the better in the settlements of Moldova,’’ EU Ambassador to Moldova Jānis Mažeiks said.

Presently, the European Union backs 26 initiatives worth about 35 million euros, implemented by civil society organizations from Moldova.   

The first edition of the Gala of Prizes of the European Union for the Civil Society was organized by the EU Delegation in Moldova in 2018.  





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