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Moldovan president has meeting with Ialoveni city residents

10:46 | 07.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 7 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu, during her working visit to the central Ialoveni district, has met residents of the Ialoveni city, who firmly support the European integration project and want Moldova not to miss this historical chance, the presidential press service has reported.       

The Moldovan president noted that, in the last years, 7 million lei had been invested in the construction of the centralized sewerage network of the Ialoveni city within the European Village programme and another 10 million lei was allocated through the second phase of the programme.    

Also, a football field worth 450,000 lei was built in the Albeni district through the European Village programme. ‘’Step by step, we gain victories which, taken together, mean huge leaps in the development of our country,’’ President Maia Sandu said.     







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