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Moldovan justice minister says legal framework regarding activity of lawyer to be adapted to EU's legislation

10:32 | 10.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru has participated in the International Conference of Lawyers’ Union from Moldova. In the opening of the event, the minister appreciated the contribution of lawyers to the promotion of the rule of law state and access to justice. The official informed that, on the next period, the legal framework would be adapted through the full transposition of more directives which concern the way legal assistance is provided and the activity of the profession of lawyer.      

Veronica Mihailov-Moraru stressed that, for the current government, the fulfillment of the commitments taken before the citizens and the European partners represented a priority. In the context, the minister encouraged the professionals in the legal sector to consolidate the cooperation between the professions.   

„Each citizen wants access to efficient legal assistance and qualified judicial defence, which is contained in your basic mission. With mutual responsibility, we can advance towards an efficient justice, an authentic democracy and a European integration way,’’ Veronica Mihailov-Moraru noted.   

The official emphasized the measures which are to be implemented and which are contained in the National Action Plan on Moldova’s Accession to EU for the 2024-2027 years. Thus, the legal framework will be adapted through the full transposition of more directives which regard the way legal assistance is provided and the activity of the profession of lawyer.   

The second edition of the International Conference of Lawyers’ Union from Moldova brought together jurists from Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Germany, France, Poland and Italy.   




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