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Moldovan foreign affairs minister has discussions with Bucharest-based Ambassador of Saudi Arabia

13:20 | 10.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi today had a meeting with Bucharest-based Ambassador of the Saudi Arabia to Moldova Mohammed Abdulghani Khayat. The officials discussed priority aspects on the bilateral agenda and emphasized the positive dynamic of the cooperation in fields of mutual interest.     

Also, the officials exchanged opinions on the international situation and the domestic political developments from both states.  

At the same time, emphasis was put on the consolidation of the political and diplomatic dialogue and identifying opportunities of boosting the commercial and economic cooperation. In this respect, the official expressed both sides’ interest in the extension of the bilateral legal framework and stressed the need to finish the negotiations on the draft treaties on the bilateral agenda and the domestic procedures on their entrance into force.  

In the context, the sides highlighted the importance of continuing the cooperation in the multilateral field, especially within the structures of the United States and other international organizations.

The diplomatic relations between Moldova and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were established on 17 July 1996.


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