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Four candidates for officer of head of Moldovan Prosecutor's Office for Special Causes meet eligibility criteria

09:53 | 11.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 11 September /MOLDPRES/ - The special commission for the pre-selection of candidates for the office of chief prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating the Organized Crime and Special Causes (PCCOCS) has considered the files of those four candidates, noting that all of them met the eligibility criteria.   

Those four candidates - Victor Furtuna, Alexandru Machidon, Andrei Matco and Ion Negurita, are expected to come to the interview examination, due on 9 October.

Each candidate will have at his disposal one hour, in order to unveil the concept on the management and institutional development and to answer questions.

At the interview, the special commission will evaluate the candidates inclusively through the light of their professional skills in the field of counteraction of the organized crime and special causes.  

In late last August, the Superior Council of Prosecutors informed that four candidates would compete for the position of chief prosecutor of PCCOCS. The contest for the selection of the PCCOCS chief prosecutor was resumed after more failed attempts.    



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