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Moldovan State University, V.N. Karazin National University of Ukraine to organize common syllabi

17:27 | 11.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 11 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Moldovan State University (USM) and the V.N. Karazin National University from Ukraine will organize common syllabi. Thus, international students will benefit from double diplomas at six specialties provided by the two higher education institutions. USM Rector Igor Sarov and Rector of the V.N. Karazin University Tetyana Kaganovska today signed an agreement on cooperation to this end, in the presence of representatives of the Education and Research Ministry        

The agreement sees the implementation of common syllabi in different fields, such as informatics, sciences of education, management, marketing, public money, international law. At the same time, common syllabi will be worked out for master education, provided that they are subjected to the procedures of external evaluation in the origin country.  

Under the Agreement, the students registered for the education will receive USM/KKNU Diplomas, provided by each university, with the mutual recognition of the credits got at the origin/host university, in line with the legislation in force in each country.    

USM Rector Igor Sarov said that this Agreement was the result of the work of the two institutions during half a year. Igor Sarov voiced confidence that the cooperation relation started with the V.N Karazin University would create opportunities for USM students and professors and would consolidate the process of USM’s internationalization.     




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