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Europe Is We - We Are Europe Forum organized by Embassy of Bulgaria in Moldova jointly with ARBOM

16:35 | 13.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 13 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Embassy of Bulgaria in Chisinau, in partnership with the Association for the Development of the Bulgarian Community from Moldova (ARBOM), has organized in Taraclia a forum on informing young people about the benefits of Moldova’s integration into the European Union. Over 200 participants from all regions of Moldova, including the Parcani settlement of the Transnistrian region, were able to be informed and put questions to speakers about the challenges the country is to face on its path to EU, as well as the perspectives opened by the European vector.     

Ambassador of Bulgaria to Moldova, Her Excellency Maya Dobreva said that the initiative on organizing the forum had come from the reason that the young people should be informed correctly and from the first sources, as long as everybody’s future depends on them. Moreover, the diplomat specified that such a dialogue was quite important also in the context of the parliamentary elections due in Bulgaria, scheduled for 27 October, and the young people should know that their vote matters – an extra reason for them to go to vote.    

Ambassador of Bulgaria to Moldova, Her Excellency Maya Dobreva said: ‘’I am delighted! You saw that the young people listened even standing. The Embassy of Bulgaria plans to organize, in continuation, such projects in partnership with ARBOM. Our expectations have been exceeded! The young people know many things; they were attentive to discussions; they answered the questions which I personally formulated and the result motivates us even more to continue to work to this end. We are quite grateful to ARBOM, without the contribution of which we would not have managed to organize such an event.’’  

Among the three speakers who brought more light to the dialogue with young Bulgarians, there was MP, the deputy head of the parliament’s commission for human rights and interethnic relations Natalia Davidovici. The official highly appreciated the forum’s organization, as well as the interest of the participants to learn more about the perspectives of the European integration.      

Natalia Davidovici, lawmaker: ‘’Such events, such meetings are quite important, especially in this region. I want to emphasize the superb atmosphere of this event and the excellent organization. I felt a great joy while communicating with the young people!   

We expect a nice future, a European future; yet, all of us must make efforts. I told also the young people that the European Union already provided us a significant support. We must near this nice future with our efforts.''  

For his part, Energy Minister Victor Parlicov informed the participants about the benefits of the country’s energy security, as well as about the projects concerning the energy efficiency, carried out by EU jointly with Moldova.    

Victor Parlicov, Energy Minister: „We are happy that this initiative comes on behalf of the Embassy of Bulgaria. We know Bulgaria as EU member country, but unfortunately, the support of Moldova’s European integration is lower among our ethnic Bulgarians than in the rest of the country. There were questions, some of them itchy, including on the prices for energy or security, but the most important thing is for us to have dialogue.‘’  

The president of the Association for the Development of the Bulgarian Community from Moldova, Plamen Milanov, said that the meetings in this format must be organized regularly, especially on grounds that the young people represent the diving force which can change the things for the better.  

Plamen Milanov, ARBOM president: „I am happy that a lot of young people were attracted by this forum organized by the Embassy of Bulgaria, in partnership with ARBOM. If the young people want to change something in their lives – they will do this! The young people represent the engines of all progress. Their presence at this forum stimulated us to organize the next event of this kind with a larger number of participants.’’   

The panel discussion was moderated by the ARBOM director. Alexandr Borimecicov said that this was the first forum for young people organized in Taraclia in the last 30 years. The official also said that the tendency would be changed, including with the support of the Association which they represent.     

Alexandr Borimecicov, ARBOM director: „It is for the first time when we organize such a great event not only for the young people from Taraclia, but also from other regions. I am sure that it was interesting for those over 200 young people participants, a number which we did not expect, to listen to our speakers. We should meet young people, understand what they want, so that we do everything for them to feel free in their country.’’    

In the end of the forum, the young people had occasion to participate in a QUIZ contest, during which they answered 15 questions on Bulgaria’s way of integration into EU, as well on the process of Moldova’s accession to the European Union. The first five participants who gave the most correct answers received valuable prizes on behalf of the organizers, the most important one being a cheque worth 10,000 lei. In the end, the participants in the forum said they were delighted by the format of this forum, organized in Taraclia for the first time ever.    

„We represent the future of the country. For me, it was quite important to participate in this forum, as I want to contribute to a better future.’’  

„Today, I understood that our country is not worse than the others and we can develop at home as well. Obviously, I want to participate in other such events, especially as I won a prize and I am contented!’’  

„At the next forum, if I have possibility, I will come with all my acquaintances and friends. The European integration is a subject in which I am interested, as I live in Moldova and I must know what will happen in the long run.’’   

ARBOM, it is capacity of strategic partner of Bulgaria’s Embassy in Moldova, will further support the initiatives of the diplomatic mission and will actively participate in their implementation.  








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