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Researchers from Moldova, Romania to be able to get grants for development of joint projects

18:28 | 13.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 13 September /MOLDPRES/ - Researchers from Moldova and Romania will be able to get grants for the development of joint projects. In this respect, the governments of the two countries provide a financing worth 100 million lei. The launch of the appeal today was announced by Minister of Research, Innovation Digitalization of Romania Bogdan-Gruia Ivan and Education and Research Minister of Moldova Dan Perciun.  

The files on application to the contest can be submitted till late next October. The maximal financing for one project will be of about 3 million lei (equivalent to 750,000 Romanian lei) and the initiatives will be implemented in 24 months.  

„We today launch a new appeal of research projects financed in partnership by the governments of Moldova and Romania. This is the second edition of this initiative and through this appeal of projects. We are to finance our researchers and the researchers of Romania with an overall budget of 100 million lei,’’ Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun said at a today’s news conference.    

The projects which are to be submitted will be eligible for more scientific sectors, including digitalization, industry and space, climate, energy and mobility, food, economy, natural resources, biodiversity, agriculture and environment, health, culture, creativity and inclusive society, civil security for the society.   

The financing from the joint budgets of the two states will cover the direct expenses, such as the ones for staff, logistics, movement, as well as indirect expenses. The proposals will be assessed by international experts who have title of doctor and a rich experience in the fields within their competence.   

This is the second appeal of projects for the researchers of Moldova and the ones of Romania. The previous edition of this competition of joint projects, launched in 2023, had an overall budget of 20 million Romanian lei and 179 research projects were submitted to it, of which 38 were selected.   






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