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Spokesman for Moldova's government denies fake news launched by former Moldovan president

17:13 | 13.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 13 September /MOLDPRES/ - The spokesman for the government, Daniel Voda, today came with an urge to politician Igor Dodon: ‘’Do not deceive the people and respect the citizens.’’  

„As we, the Moldovans, say, the lie can be easily detected. Unfortunately, today, Igor Dodon launched more fake news again. I warned just this week that the elections are about, first of all, the respect for the citizens. Neither his lies are just as in former times. It is good that he did not say that there would be quotas of employment for Syrians, extra-terrestrial beings, tomcats and maybe even biscuits. Do not deceive the people!’’ Daniel Voda said.    

At a TV programme, the former Moldovan president, Igor Dodon, said that, ‘’if Maia Sandu won the elections, the LGBT propaganda will be spread in the schools and kindergartens of Moldova and quotas for LGBT representatives will be introduced in the state’s institutions.’’  



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