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Moldovan PM urges citizens to strictly observe authorities' recommendations, to ensure safety

22:08 | 14.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - The report of the institutions involved in the management of the situation triggered by the torrential rains today was heard by Prime Minister Dorin Recean at the anti-crisis centre from the Interior Ministry (MAI), the government’s communication department has reported.  

The prime minister discussed with the rescuers, local public administration from the Cantemir and Leova districts – the worst hit regions, where most interventions took place. The situation remains complicated in the districts of Ialoveni, Straseni and in Chisinau.  

Till 15:00, 138 interventions were made: 58 interventions for pumping water and the rest – of de-blocking roads and cutting trees. In Hanaseni, a family was evacuated from floods and in Chisinau, passengers of a mini-bus blocked on the Albisoara Street were evacuated. In the Porumbesti village, Cantemir district, protected dams were set, with National Army military involved in the works.    

At the same time, the road R34 – Sarata Noua road and the R35 road were blocked, till the ceasing of the rains. In the Romanovca village, 2 bridges were deteriorated and lakes overflowed because of broken dams, the authorities took special actions in this zone.    

In the worst hit areas, 106-108 mm of precipitation was recorded – a three-fold larger quantity against the monthly norm. According to data by the State Hydrometeorological Service (SHS) the cyclone’s intensity decreased in the southern region and moved to the north.     

In the context, the prime minister asked the authorities to stay equally mobilized and to promptly intervene, preserving the degree of alert. Thus, the General Police Inspectorate, the General Inspectorate of Carabineers will monitor the road traffic, will come to help vehicles and pedestrians, and will signal the fallings of high-tension wires or trees. The General Inspectorate of Border Police will verify the retreated areas and the ones used for fishing, in order to identify the citizens who remained isolated. At the same time, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) will continue to provide assistance to the households affected, to pump the water and evacuate the assets, if needed.     

Along with the local public administration, IGSU will ensure the supply with drinking water of the settlements hit. At the same time, the State Administration of Roads will mobilize all technology to de-block the roads and on the segment of energy, all services will be mobilized to intervene in case of disconnections from power supply. To ensure the citizens’ safety, the cancellation of all public events was cancelled.     

„The crisis cell stays activated for the next 72 hours and we will receive reports hour after hour. At the same time, we urge the citizens to strictly observe the recommendations, in order to ensure their safety and the safety of the people around. Avoid the non-essential trips to the areas hit and be informed only from official sources and if necessary, call 112,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.      

Subsequently, the local Commissions for Emergency Situations will assess the damages and will submit to the government the information for their repair. According to the weather forecast, the Yellow and Orange Code maintains including for 15 September.       







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