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Strong earthquake of 5.2 degrees on Richter open scale felt in Moldova too

19:42 | 16.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 16 September /MOLDPRES/ - An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.2 degrees on the Richter open scale occurred in the Vrancea seismic area of Romania today afternoon. The seism was felt in Moldova too.   

For the time being, there is no information on the damages triggered by the earthquake.

This is the second seism on the last days, after a weak earthquake, with a magnitude of 3.3 degrees on the Richter open scale, occurred in the Buzau county, Vrancea seismic area, on 14 September at 18:06, according to the National Institute of Research and Development for Earth Physics from Romania.   

The authorities recommend that, in case of earthquake, people should stay calm and calm the people around and if there are injured people around, they should provide them the first aid only if they have the knowledge necessary, in order not to worsen the situation, according to the guide, Be Prepared.  


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