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PHOTO// Football field arranged at Gymnasium from Svetlii settlement with ARBOM's support

14:40 | 19.09.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, 19 September /MOLDPRES/ - Better conditions have been created for going in for sport, as well as for the carrying out of the physical education classes for the pupils of the Gymnasium of the Svetlii settlement – a village where ethnic Bulgarians preponderantly live. A modern football field was inaugurated on the area of the institution. All this was possible due to the involvement, as well as the support of the Association for the Development of the Bulgarian Community from Moldova (ARBOM), as well as of the Moldovan Football Federation (FMF).   

„This field has been expected for much time. I would say that we have waited for more than 20 years for this field to be arranged. We are happy, especially the children, as when such conditions are created, one can promote a sound lifestyle,’’  the headmaster of the Gymnasium from Svetlii, Svetlana Boiadji, said during the ceremony on the inauguration of the football field.    

Attending the event, the president of the ARBOM Council, Plamen Milanov, expressed satisfaction and was impressed by the result achieved following the works of construction and arrangement of the stadium.

„I feel fulfilled that we have managed to carry another project through with the support of the Association which I lead,’’ Milanov said.  

The Geosport Group Company, as well as FMF also participated in the carrying out of this project.   

„We are delighted that we have managed to made this dream come true for more children, as well as for the residents of this village,’’  a FMF representative, Oleg Crivoi, said. He also said that it was important that sound generations of children are educated, who in the long run might become footballers of the national football team.   

The children studying at this institution were the happiest with the new stadium on the area of the school from Svetlii.  

„So far, we have made the sports classes, as well as the training in football in park, as there is a field there as well,’’ one of the pupils of the sixth form, captain of the football team from the Svetlii Gymnasium, Artiom Marcheli, said.  

The football field from the Gymnasium of the Svetlii village is not the only project in the sports sector carried out with the support of ARBOM. In last July, the construction of a new stadium was started in the Parcani village from the left bank of Dniester – a settlement where one of the biggest community of ethnic Bulgarians from Moldova lives, in cooperation with Bulgaria’s Embassy in Moldova, as well as with the contribution of the Association for the Development of the Bulgarian Community from Moldova. The works for arranging the field are to be finished this autumn.  






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