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Romania's Supreme Council of National Defence analyzes options for strengthening Strategic Partnership with Moldova

17:16 | 19.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 19 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Supreme Council of National Defence of Romania, at a today’s meeting, led by President Klaus Iohannis, analyzed options for strengthening the Strategic Partnership with Moldova. The participants in the meeting emphasized the risks for the efficient and consistent management of Moldova’s European integration process, according to the Bucharest Presidential Administration.     

The participants in the discussions highlighted the major opportunities which come from the process of Moldova’s accession to the European Union, as well as the challenges the country is facing, in the context of Russia’s hybrid actions and the aggression war waged against Ukraine.  

"These threats and risks determine, in almost all cases, implications for Romania too. Therefore, the principal goal of foreign policy of our country in relation with Moldova is the support and the ensuring of the irreversibility of the European integration way, through backing the implementation of the reforms and the public policies necessary, based on the bilateral, consolidated Strategic Partnership,’’ The Presidential Administration of Romania said.    



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