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Alexandr Stoianoglo starts electoral campaign for elections for Moldovan president

15:02 | 20.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 20 September /MOLDPRES/ - The former prosecutor general of Moldova, candidate nominated by the Party of Socialists (PSRM) Alexandr Stoianoglo, on the first day of electoral campaign, officially launched his electoral campaign for the office of Moldova’s president.      

The former prosecutor general is the first candidate to start the campaign. The event took place nearby the Triumph Arch and Stoianoglo chose the slogan, Justice for Everybody, for his campaign.    

In his speech, Alexandr Stoianoglo made more promises, among which ‘’the establishment of justice,’’ and ‘’the triumph of the law over the disorder.’’ He also referred to the attraction of investments, modernization of the social objects and ‘’modern future.’’  

„Today, we set out again towards the most wished and most valuable goal for the absolute majority of Moldova’s people. The restoration of justice, the final victory of the law over the lie and violence, the triumph of the law over the disorder is what Moldova deserves; this is what we will accomplish together in our decisive fight,’’ the candidate said.   

Alexandr Stoianoglo was appointed prosecutor general of Moldova in November 2019 and was suspended on 5 October 2021. In late September 2023, President Maia Sandu signed the decree on the dismissal of Stoianoglo from the office of prosecutor general, based on a decision by the Superior Council of Prosecutors. He was detained, charged with abuse of power, passive corruption and illicit enrichment.       

CEC informed that four candidates had been officially registered for the office of Moldova’s president so far.

The elections for the office of Moldova’s president will be held on 20 October 2024, on the same day with the referendum, during which the citizens will be asked whether they support the country’s accession to the European Union.   



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