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President in Cahul: We say "Yes" to Moldova's accession to EU

16:34 | 21.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, Sep 21 /MOLDPRES/- Maia Sandu, the candidate put forward by the Action and Solidarity Party for president of the Republic of Moldova launched electoral campaign in Cahul today. The event gathered supporters of the southern districts of the country.

Maia Sandu chose for her campaign the slogan For Moldova and she reviewed the projects implemented in the south of the country in recent years. Among them infrastructure, water and sewage projects and the repair of several schools and health centers.

She also presented some of the objectives for the next four years: among them minimum salaries of 10 thousand lei per month, higher pensions, salary support of 3,000 lei for young people who start their first job in strategic areas for our economy.

"We will mobilize funds to achieve the following objectives: repair of roads, cultural hostels, sports halls, connection to water and sewage. We will repair and equip all polyclinics in the country," Sandu concluded.

The CEC announced that four candidates have been officially registered for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova.

Elections for President of Moldova will be held on 20 October 2024, the same day as the referendum in which citizens will be asked whether they support the country's accession to the European Union.


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