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National Plum Festival held in Nisporeni

13:27 | 23.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Sep 23 /MOLDPRES/- Dozens of agricultural producers and business representatives gathered on Sunday in Nisporeni to participate in the 6th National Plum Festival. The event was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, with the support of the European Union under a development project, jointly with economic agents from the country, Nisporeni city hall and district council.

The main events on the agenda of the festival were held throughout the day in the center of Nisporeni and aimed to popularize and develop the agricultural sector, promote domestic plum producers, as well as business specializing in modern technologies of processing plums and fruit planting material.

Exhibitions with sales, supported by local producers, a fair of traditional dishes, a parade of costumes representative for the festival, an exhibition of planting material were organized for visitors.

Present at the event, Iasi County Council's head Costel Alexe emphasized that he was happy to return to the Nisporeni district at the invitation of President Ion Diavor to celebrate the National Plum Festival with the community. "This celebration is about and for people, because we mark the values that unite us. Through their work and craftsmanship, producers from Nisporeni and beyond contribute significantly to positioning the Republic of Moldova among the top 10 plum exporters in the world. I congratulate the District Council and Nisporeni City Hall for organizing the event," said the Romanian official.

The first edition of the National Plum Festival in Nisporeni took place in 2016.







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