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GOVERNMENT BUILDS: FEZ Ungheni-Business, subzone Soroca improves infrastructure with state support

12:33 | 23.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Sep 23 /MOLDPRES/- In Free Economic Zone (FEZ) Ungheni-Business, subzone Soroca, the construction and installation works of the technical and public utilities infrastructure are nearing completion under an urban development project financed by the National Fund for Regional and Local Development and implemented by the North Regional Development Agency (ADR).

"The construction works of one of the two access roads, both with a total area of 2,510 square meters, were recently completed. The roadmen are to apply road markings on the asphalted road and build the second access road," ADR Nord explains.

Three contracts worth a total of about 25 million lei (1.25 million euros) have been signed for carrying out the works planned under the project Creation and development of the technical and public utilities infrastructure for Soroca subzone of the Free Economic Zone Ungheni-Business, with the local contribution amounting to 10% of the contracts' value.




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