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Moldovan entrepreneurs analyze opportunities of export to EFTA countries

15:53 | 24.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 24 September /MOLDPRES/ - Entrepreneurs from Moldova who want to export their products to the countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) have been informed about the steps they must undertake and the conditions of export. The data was included in a Guide on exports to the EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), launched in Chisinau at the Conference, Turning to good account the EFTA export markets: opportunities and perspectives, in Chisinau today.        

The event brought together representatives of public authorities, business associations, as well as entrepreneurs from diverse economic sectors, officials of the EFTA Secretariat and experts in international trade.   

At the event, the state secretary of the Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry (MDED), Cristina Ceban, said that the Agreement signed with EFTA gave companies of Moldova possibility to export their products to ones of the richest countries of the world, with a quite developed economy.    

„We have the Agreement signed; yet, it is important that we understand how this accord can be implemented. The today’s event comes on this purpose – to help you fully use the opportunities provided by the free trade Agreement with some of the richest countries of the world, small countries, but with a very developed economy. We are set to show you exactly which are the possibilities existing, customs duties, the permissive documents which you need, in order to accede to these markets,’’ the MDED’s secretary general said.       

Cristina Ceban also said that the free trade Agreement with the EFTA countries had not fully entered into force. ‘’We have the ratification on behalf of Iceland. As of 1 September, the Agreement has been in force between Moldova and Iceland. Starting from 1 November, the Agreement will enter into force also for Norway. As for Switzerland and Liechtenstein, the Agreement is estimated to enter into force in April 2025,’’ the MDED state secretary noted.         

Director of the Economic Growth Department of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Moldova William Trigg said that the signing of the free trade Agreement between Moldova and EFTA provided more opportunities for businesses from Moldova. ‘’We are happy for the authorities’ efforts to advance on the European integration way and to strengthen the economy. These efforts are crucial, in order to enhance the resilience and create a strong investment climate. We are proud to support Moldova’s integration into the European structures and to help the economy orient itself to markets with greater opportunities. The signing of the Agreement between Moldova and EFTA represents opportunities for the business of Moldova. The today’s event is an important platform of capitalizing these opportunities, to make sure that the business of Moldova will cope with the special requirements for entering the European market. We recognize the important role of exports in the economic growth. The war had an impact on the climate of business and exports. Yet, the government achieved impressive results in the transition to safer markets and we are ready to provide the businesses of Moldova resources to access these markets. The EFTA Guide for Moldovan exporters is an instrument for ensuring the safe navigation in this process,’’ William Trigg also said.           

The guide launched in Chisinau contains information on the rules of access to the EFTA markets, tariffs and non-tariff measures, the steps necessary for export and the needed customs documents, the categories of products which can be exported and the quality requirements.     

The free trade Agreement between Moldova and EFTA countries was signed in Schaan, Principality of Liechtenstein, on 27 June 2023. The document has hundreds of pages and is aimed at consolidating the economic cooperation between the states and at extending the commercial exchanges. Thus, exporters of Moldovan products will benefit from better economic and commercial conditions on the market of the EFTA member states. At the same time, the companies from the EFTA countries will be encouraged to invest in Moldova.  

Under the document, the customs duties on the imports of industrial products will be eliminated and concessions will be provided for the access of agricultural products to market. The agreement also includes chapters which regulate the trade with services, electronic commerce, public procurements.

According to statistics data, the Moldovan exports to the EFTA markets reached a value of 33.3 million dollars. The main products exports include cereals, fruits and fruit products, walnuts, honey, sunflower seeds and oil, as well as products of animal origin, alcoholic beverages and wines, as well as non-food agricultural products.



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