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Stop misinformation: ARBOM calls to vigilance, informing dear people

14:27 | 24.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 September /MOLDPRES/ - Do not let yourself be manipulated and warn the dear people about the danger of manipulation! With this call, the Association for the Development of the Bulgarian Community from Moldova (ARBOM), with the support of Bulgaria’s Embassy in Moldova, has launched a campaign of combating the misinformation in the information space.     

In the video clips created on this purpose, the principal emphasis is put on the issue of fake stories, which have become too many on the last period. The most difficult thing is to unmask the lies, when more deeds on the information agenda are true. In the case of misinformation, these facts are taken out of the context or combined with lies, in order to consolidate the message conveyed to the content consumer.   

It is worth reminding that the basic ways of coping with the misinformation are as follows:

- Pay attention to the primary source of information. It is must be verified and have authority.

- Verify the information from more sources.

- Analyze the deeds. Often, willing to impose false information, the author colours the text of the message emotionally.  

- Do not limit yourself only to titles. Always analyze the text of the news for relevance and objectiveness.    

To combat the misinformation, it is important that you enrich your media education. It means that you should understand how and where the information comes and is spread from, as well as how it can be distorted. Develop your critical thinking and help the dear people, such as children and elderly people, to be a good hand at this. Doubt any suspect information and look for confirmation in additional sources.    

And, quite important, abstain from the spread of unverified information. Do not share information, but if you are sure that it is correct.    

One of the reliable sources in Moldova is the state channel Telegram PRIMA SURSA (Telegram FIRST SOURCE).   

Be vigilant and warn the dear people about the danger of misinformation!




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