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Leisure area arranged in central Moldova village, due to governmental programme, Diaspora Succeeds at Home

20:31 | 24.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 24 September /MOLDPRES/ - A special area meant for activities of leisure and socialization for children, young people from the Harbovat village, central Anenii Noi district, and refugees has been created in this settlement. The initiative was implemented within the Diaspora Succeeds at Home (DAR 1+3) governmental programme, with the support of Moldova’s government, Diaspora, local public authorities, association of natives, From the Bottom of the Heart for Harbovat, and backed by the International Organization for Migration Moldova (IOM Moldova).     

The leisure zone has an area of 154 square metres and is endowed with playgrounds, spaces of relaxation and facilities for diverse recreation activities. The project meets the needs of the community with over 5,000 residents, of whom about 1,000 are young people and supports the integration of those 15 refugees, of which six are young people, who stay in Harbovat.      

The mayor of the Harbovat village, Rodica Croitor, said that the project improved the quality of the living for young people, as well as facilitated the integration of the refugees in the community.   

According to the Diaspora Relations Bureau, the creation of this area of communication and interaction will facilitate the integration of refugees, will consolidate the relations with the Diaspora and will stimulate the community’s active participation in the sustainable local development.   

The project, Arrangement of a leisure area for the young people from the settlement and refugees, through the creation of a cohesive community and the consolidation of the positive social relations, was carried out within the DAR 1+3 Programme, implemented through the Diaspora Relations Bureau. The initiative promotes the cooperation between the Diaspora, local authorities and the development partners, in order to create stronger communities.







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