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EcoContact public association of Moldova backs international cooperation for education in natural resources' management

17:32 | 25.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 September /MOLDPRES/ - The development of the labour force in the field of management of natural resources – opportunities, challenges and good practices, is the title of a workshop held with the support of the EcoContact Public Association in Chisinau on 23-25 September 2024.  

During three days, representatives of higher education institutions and vocational schools involved in the elaboration and implementation of syllabi in this field, along with representatives of central authorities in the sector of education and environmental protection were able to familiarize with educational models from the USA, as well as with their impact on the forestry sector.

The participants unveiled diverse ways in which the agencies for natural resources, private sector, non-governmental organizations and universities cooperate for the management of natural resources, as well as the processes through which the higher education institutions create and implement syllabi dedicated to this sector.    

The event was held within the project, Syllabi in the field of Forestry and Management of Natural Resources in the higher education, implemented by EcoContact and financed by the USDA Forest Service International Programs. The project’s goal is to contribute to the consolidation of the labour force in the field of management of natural resources.





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